The Womb Room of Hungaria

The Womb Room Of Hungaria is a recently developed and constructed content production studio housed in a secret and undisclosed location deep in the mythic land of Hungaria.

The logistics of delivering an up to 17 piece band plus a support crew to venues for live performances currently just aren’t possible economically. How could new music, with no compromise in terms of personnel, vision, arrangement or integrity, be delivered to the faithful without major funding or underwriting?

The Womb Room was named and built to address that need. It’s the cradle of creation, where all new Shuffling Hungarians music will start, evolve, gestate, perhaps transition into video form and manifest into a recorded version suitable for your dining, dancing, and downloading enjoyment. (Plus I got the purple canvas to build the sound absorption baffles on sale).

Think “Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland putting on a show in Grampa’s Barn, but produced by MGM and directed by Busbee Berkely” or “How many people can we stuff in this clown car?” And you’ll get the general idea of The Womb Room’s aural and visual Zeitgeist.

It’s like having the whole band in your living room or in your personal hand held device, without the mess.

All Photos By Tamaralee Shutt and George Rossi